Young boys caught stealing from church

Pastor Simon Mdluli, the leader of the church has appealed to churches in the province to pray against the spirit of theft amongst children as they are the future of the nation.

Members of the Nyongane Alliance Church have raised concerns about children who allegedly steal from the church.

It is also alleged that the children might be used by elders in the community.

In a video posted by Mdluli, three boys, less than the age 12 years, are seen pushing up a locked garage door and crawling in between burglar steels to enter the building.

Thieves rob family and church

Upon interrogation by community members, they reveal how other boys had before sneaked into the church and stole food, microphones and bags.

The church had on previous occasions reported cases of theft at the Hazyview police station.
“Computers,microphones and food have been stolen numerous times and reported to the police, but thus far, no one was arrested for that,” concludes Mdluli.

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