March marks National Consumer Protection Month

This is the time of the year to focus on becoming a more informed and empowered consumer.

The month of March is National Consumer Protection Week. It is time to help people understand their consumer rights and make well-informed decisions about their money.

There are more than 100 agencies and organisations involved in NCPW are on the front lines of consumer protection every day, and are committed to giving you the resources you need to navigate today’s marketplace.

For many years, various organisations try to eliminate scams, give consumers a better way to report and recover from identity theft, and expose and stop misleading business practices.

You also can help inform your community about consumer protection any time of year by spreading the word. Get ideas for events, social media and other activities to keep people around you informed. You can report scams and dishonest business practices you see or experience.

Consumer Protection Act No 68 of 2008
The purpose of this Act is to promote and advance the social and economic welfare of consumers in South Africa by:

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