IN PICTURES:Celebrating 25 years of water cooperation through KOBWA

South Africa, Kingdom of Swaziland and Mozambique celebrated 25 years of water cooperation at Emnotweni Arena.

South Africa, Kingdom of Swaziland and Mozambique celebrated 25 years of water cooperation through the Komati Basin Water Authority (KOBWA) at Emnotweni Arena on Tuesday.

In a prestigious celebration, they looked back at the history of the excellent integrated transboundary water resource development and management, successes, challenges and the future.

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KOBWA is a bi-national cross-border organization formed through the treaty on the development and utilisation of water resources of the Komati River Basin.
The treaty was signed by South Africa, Kingdom of Swaziland and Mozambique.

KOBWA is responsible of Driekoppies Dam and the Maguga Dam in Swaziland.

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Deputy minister of water sanitation, Pamela Tshwete said they need to work hard together to sustain the vision which lead to the partnership.

Deputy minister of water and sanitation, Pamela Tshwete.

“We have a vision of enhancing socio economic developments and socio transformation in our countries. The drought that we are experiencing today we learnt a lot from it,” she said.



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