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#CabinetReshuffle:Two ministers from MP axed

Bongani Bongo served as Minister of State Security for only six months following his appointment in October.

Ten ministers were axed during the cabinet reshuffle announcement last night including David Mahlobo and Bongani Bongo who are both from Mpumalanga.

Bongo who is replaced by Dipuo Letsatsi Dube was the only new cabinet minister in former president Jacob Zuma’s second reshuffle in 2017. He made headlines with allegations of him offering a bribe to obstruct an enquiry into state captur. Recently reports revealed he had spent R 147 000,00 at a hotel in Cape Town.

Mahlobo , former Minister of Energy and former Minister of State Security also did not make the cut. He is replaced by Jeff Radebe.

In 2016 Mahlobo was investigated by the South African elite police unit, the Hawks for allegations made by Guan Jiang Guang, a self-professed rhino horn trader, that he was close to the minister and his wife. Mahlobo has denied all association with the man except for visiting his massage spa.

David Mabuza was appointed as Deputy President of the republic and Reginah Mhaule as Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation. They will be sworn in today.



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