Be vigilant when using the ATM

Two men, aged between 24 and 29, were recently arrested at White River Square after distracting a client who was using the Standard Bank ATM.

White River police are warning community members to be extra careful when withdrawing money from ATM’s around town.

Spokesperson Sgt Cynthia Mbokodo said the public should not withdraw money when they feel unsafe in doing so.

She also warns the community, especially elders, not to accept help from strangers near ATM’s.
Also read: Police arrest two men for card skimming

How card savvy are you?

Police patrolling around the area managed to stop and search their vehicle.

“They were found in possession of different bank cards which they couldn’t account for,” explained Mbokodo

The suspects appeared in the White River Magistrate’s Court for theft of bank cards and possession of stolen property on Thursday.

They were not asked to plead and both remanded in custody.

The case was postponed to February 21 for their bail application.

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