Ways of keeping cool in hot weather

Take extra care by staying hydrated and cool by drinking plenty of liquids.

With the extreme heat experienced in the province and parts of Northern Cape, Free State , North West , Limpopo and Gauteng over the past weekend and today , the South African Weather Service warned residents to stay indoors and hydrated.

The following precautions will help you keep cool in hot weathers:

– Stay indoors in a cool room, near a fan if possible

– If you place a bowl or tray of ice in front of a blowing fan your room will become cooler as the ice melts.

– Avoid strenuous outdoor activity, playing excessive sport and hard labour.

Children swimming under the watch of their parents.

– Dress in light weight clothes

– Listen to the radio and TV for warnings and obey instructions from disaster management officers . – Keep blinds and curtains closed during the day as a preventative measure to stop your room from overheating.

Captain Magonseni Nkosi of Tonga police also warns parents to make it a point that children don’t swim on their own without any adult supervision in dams and rivers to avoid incidences of drowning.

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