Five ways to raise last minute money for university

Consider the tuition costs and how other students have already funded their studies.

Ways to raise money for university:

1. Apply for bursaries and scholarships that are still open (Late closing date bursaries)

-Sasol Inzalo Shareholders is offering bursaries and the closing date is January 12, 2018. You can apply from the Sasol Inzalo Foundation on

2. Get a temporary job

-You can work part-time to raise pocket money, buy books and pay for your studies. You need to remember that you are working for your school fees and always stay focused in your studies.

ALSO READ:Nsfas funds over 2 million students
3. Work and study part- time

– It is not going to be easy although it can be done. Raise the funds and get to do the career you love.

4. Ask for help
-You can ask for help from relatives, family friends and local entrepreneurs.

5. Student Loans
-Before taking a loan, you need to research and find out what it means to have a student loan. It also requires the student begins paying back the loan after they graduate.

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-The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is an option that often works in conjunction with universities. NSFAS is a government organisation.


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