Five tips on how to survive your first day at work after the holidays

Accept that your holiday is over, relive the best memories from it with your friends and colleagues in the office.

As many of us return to our day jobs after the festive period while some are still enjoying their holidays, we need motivation to make through the first week.

Here are five tips on how to survive your first day at work:

1. Get into a work routine as quickly as possible.

It is not going to be easy, but the quicker you can get yourself back to your usual routine, the better you will start enjoying your work.

2. Stop dreaming about career changes
Most people start fantasizing about career change during the festive season and the reality is some never actually do it.

ALSO READ:Financial tips for surviving holiday season

3. Avoid social media
Some people are still on holiday and checking their updates will make you feel worse than you already do.

4. Tidy up your work station.

Remove all the old papers that you do not need anymore and make space on your desk.

ALSO READ:5 Tips for shopkeepers this festive season

5. Sort out your email inbox

Delete your unread emails; they are literally from last year and old.

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