Don’t ‘plug-in’ and drive

Drivers that regularly encounter traffic generally have a set routine. Whether you choose to meditate or sing along to your favourite song, keeping yourself reasonably busy in the traffic is often the best remedy.

What can make traffic a little more bearable or make the time pass a little quicker than your favourite playlist? Blasting out the day and getting lost in music while driving may sound like a great idea, just not when your safety and that of other road users is at risk. A big part of staying safe on the road is dependent on your alertness and awareness of what is happening around you – using earphones while driving hinders this. It may get a little tempting to plug in your earphones on those long traffic-ridden drives if your car’s sound system isn’t that great, but keep in mind that it doesn’t come without consequences.

If you’re still wondering why you shouldn’t ‘plug-in’ and drive, here’s why:

There’s nothing wrong with playing music or listening to your favourite radio station while driving. If you find relief through music after a long day, ensure that you are doing so safely by considering other options such as Bluetooth connection. Should the music drive you off the road, ensure that you have comprehensive car insurance.

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