A stressed man’s guide to Christmas shopping

It's that time of year that most men dread because choosing the perfect gift for your partner is no easy task

Choosing the perfect gift for your partner is no easy task. You only have to look at every shopping mall, especially during the festive period, where people, particularly the males of our species, walk around with glazed expressions on their faces. As Christmas draws nearer, this expression is replaced by one of shear panic and horror as they realise they haven’t a clue what to buy.

This behaviour invariably leads to a panic buy or an unimaginative gift. A recent survey found that men’s tempers increased along with their heart rate. Forty-eight per cent of men regard it as worse than the stress of being dumped by their girlfriend, losing their job or moving home. Life events that cause the most stress include divorce, being fired and moving home, but, many men place shopping for gifts high on that list, only a short way behind the stress of divorce.

The main things that increase male shoppers’ stress levels
• Dawdlers who get in their way (86%)
• Having to walk around the shops carrying heavy bags (90%)
• Rude shoppers or shop assistants (83%)
• Other peoples’ screaming children (76%)
• Queue jumpers (74%).

So how do you go about choosing the perfect gift?
Presents are not always judged by how much they cost. You can spend a fortune on a gift, but if the item is of no personal value to the recipient then it will not be considered with its true value. The best presents to receive are ones which have had a lot of thought put into them.

What is the person you are buying for interested in? Think of their hobbies or interests.

What sort of personality are they? It’s no use buying an adrenalin-fuelled bungee-jumping experience if they are a total couch potato.

Price range
What is the minimum and maximum you want to spend? If you see them on a regular basis, listen to what they say throughout the year. People will always discuss their likes and dislikes regarding books, music and so on. Write them down! It is easy to forget when the time approaches to buy a gift. Do they collect things? If they do, it is easy to buy things which follow their chosen theme.

Inspiration from the web
These days it is so much easier and quicker to browse and buy on the Internet. You can search for inspiration much more quickly than trailing around the shopping mall. Remember to allow time for delivery or items which may be unexpectedly be out of stock. The Internet is also a good guide to what are this year’s fashionable must-haves.

If you follow these rules shopping should not be so stressful and Christmas morning may result in grateful thanks instead of World War III or another trip to the shops on Boxing Day to exchange all those unsuitable gifts.

The worst gifts to give

For him
• Socks
• Cheap aftershave or facial-care products (especially if he has a beard!)
• Underwear (Y fronts or underwear with cartoon characters)
• Ties with cartoon characters
• Gift vouchers
• Cheap wine
• Nose-hair trimmer
• Sports shirts with the wrong team on
• Walking stick
• Anything knitted by an elderly relative
• A Chris de Burgh or Michael Bolton CD
• Viagra!

For her
• Domestic appliances (remember that electrical can opener may not seem such a good idea on Christmas morning)
• Tasteless, saucy underwear (especially anything red)
• Gift vouchers
• Tights
• Weight-loss book (unless she has specifically asked for it)
• Gadgets or DIY tools (especially ones you want yourself – “Oh well never mind darling I can find a use for it”)
• Flowers from your local garage
• Facial-hair trimmer

Photo by Panasonic

READ MORE: 15 must have gifts for your stocking

Images by: Pixabay, Inquistr, Panasonic and Pinterest

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