Local farmer destroyed 167 graves

Prince Siphezi Nkosi, the leader of the alleged rightful owners of the land in question and members of the Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (CONTRALESA) were also called to the scene

The community of Msholozi has raised their concerns about a white farmer who has destroyed 167 graves to pave way for his macadamia farm in the area.

On Wednesday morning angry community members approached the farmer, demanding answers on where he received the authority to destroy the graves.
They also wanted to know why he had erected and fenced over the place, closing short-cut paths for locals.
“The White River Sawmill had legally bought the land in question from the traditional leaders,” said the farm’s representatives.
He also acknowledged the number of the graveyards in the farm.

Some members of the community at the farm.

Prince Siphezi Nkosi, the leader of the alleged rightful owners of the land in question and members of the Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (CONTRALESA) were also called to the scene. Nkosi called on the farmers to stop with their processes as soon as possible.

“We need to engage with the farm owners to ascertain where they got the rights to destroy graves without our concern. We will not allow the dignity of our ancestors not to be respected by anyone in this country,” he said.

The view of the farm

An urgent meeting with community representatives and farmers is set to take place on Thursday morning.

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