Teacher tied up during a break-in at a local private school

Anyone with information that may lead to the arrest of the two suspects is urged to contact the investigating officer, Captain Shaka Nkosi on 060 6483 868.

Kabokweni police are looking for suspects who tied up a teacher and stole two computers from WEM Private College.

According to Capt Shirley Nsimba, spokesperson of Kabokweni police, two armed men forcefully entered the school and broke into a room where a male teacher was sleeping at around 02:45 on Friday.

The suspects allegedly assaulted the teacher and demanded him to open the computer lab. “They also tied him up with a rope, leaving him in a separate room while they ransacked the computer lab, taking some of the electrical equipment to their car which was parked outside the school,” she said.

Also read: Criminals steal from school

Nsimba added that the teacher managed to free himself and ran outside the school premises screaming for help.

“That was when the suspects left the lab, randomly shooting in the air as they were running towards their getaway vehicle. Two computers were stolen,” said Nsimba.

No one was injured and no arrests have been made so far. Anyone with information that may lead to the arrest of the two suspects is urged to contact the investigating officer, Captain Shaka Nkosi on 060 6483 868.

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