ANC calls leaders to order over leadership pronouncements

This comes a day after Deputy President, Cyril Ramaphosa pronounced his preferred top six candidates ahead of the elective conference in December.

In a statement released yesterday, the party stated that it noted with concern reports of statements made by leaders of the organization pronouncing on a line up of comrades to be elected as officials at the ANC at the 54th National Conference.

Speaking at a#CR17 rally over the weekend in Limpopo, Ramaphosa urged supporters to rally behind Science and Technology Minister, Naledi Pandor for deputy president.

“Such pronouncements are unacceptable whether comrades have a preference or not and seek to usurp the entrenched right of the branches to nominate candidates of their choosing.

The 2015 National General Council resolved to outlaw slates and reaffirm the role of the branch as the basic unit of the ANC. Accordingly in implementing this resolution, the NEC directed that we ensure branch nominations are not tempered with and that the will of the branches is reflected and respected,” said the ANC in the statement.

Leaders and members of the party are requested to desist from the practice of pronouncing on and circulating slates which may be seen to undermine the branches inalienable right to select candidates best placed to implement the National Democratic Revolution.

The presidential candidate also also mentioned  Gauteng Chairperson, Paul Mashatile to be treasurer general and others.



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