OR Tambo statue to be unveiled by Zuma

President Jacob Zuma will today unveil Oliver Tambo's life size statue in a ceremony that forms part of the OR Tambo centenary celebrations that are being held across the country under the theme "Life and legacy of OR Tambo".

The sculpture was created by local artists who took about six weeks sculpting it from photographs of his face.

The  late struggle stalwart would have turned 100 years old on October 27. Numerous stautes have been erected in South Africa and abroad in  honour of Tambo’s memory, now a 2,5 metre life size statue is set to be unveiled at the OR Tambo International Airport today.

The statue is expected to enhance South Africa’s Tourism image. Representative for Airports Company South Africa, Refentse Shinners says it’s an honour to have a statue of Tambo since the airport was named after him. “Our airport is not only a gateway into the country but also into the continent. It is befitting that we have someone  who was not only one of the most notable liberation leaders on the continent named after the airport as well as his presence through the statue.”

The statue prepared by officials is ready to be unveiled
Image: Twitter

VIDEO: OLIVER TAMBO COMES HOME IN 1990 after spending 30 years in exile.

In 1985 he was re-elected President of the African National Congress. Tambo died at the age of  75 due to complications from a stroke on April 24, 1993.


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