“This is not a reshuffle but a direct attack on the alliance”- SACP

The South African Communist Party says the reshuffle was nothing more than retaliation for calls by the alliance, the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) and the ANC’s other alliance partners on Zuma to resign.

President Zuma’s cabinet reshuffle that took place this morning shocked many including the South African Communist Party and has declared war against the president over  Dr Blade Nzimande’s sacking.

In a statement released by the SACP it states that Nzimande’s removal from the Cabinet without consultation with the Alliance is nothing but a response to the popular call, led by the SACP and COSATU, for the President to resign. Our call for Zuma to step down is based on the many problems of corruption, governance decay and state capture under his watch.

In addition, the removal of Dr Nzimande from the Cabinet is part of Zuma`s manoeuvres to secure successful election of his ordained successor at the forthcoming ANC December national conference.

“If the President thinks that by removing Dr Nzimande from the Cabinet he will silence the SACP from the leading role it has played to expose and confront state capture, he is glaringly mistaken! Instead, the SACP is even more committed to continuing with its leading role in waging the struggle against state capture and corruption,” reads the statement.




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