Crime decreases in Mpumalanga

Despite the high number of crimes being committed in the province, the 2016/ 17 Victims of Crime Survey conducted by Statistics SA revealed that crime levels in Mpumalanga have been gradually declining, both in terms of the proportion of households and individuals that were victimised.

In 2016/17, statistics showed a decline in household crimes from 9, 0 to 6, 5 per cent, with individual crimes declining from 4, 3 to 4, 1 per cent.

These are the crimes experienced by the selected members of the household aged 16 years and older. This is robbery committed against individuals outside their homes. It could happen in the street, at the work place, in a shopping mall or other places outside a person’s home.

Also Read: The most violent provinces in South Africa

A total of 0, 54 per cent individuals aged 16 years and above experienced assault in the year 2016/17. Percentage of households that experienced theft out of motor vehicles is at 0,43.
Stats show that at 61,7 percent, Mpumalanga has the highest percentage of households who were satisfied with the passing of appropriate sentences, with a total 66,7 percent said they are willing to welcome back former prisoners in their community.

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