Likazi Primary recycles their way to the top

Likazi Primary School is standing a chance of winning R50 000 in the ongoing Coca-Cola Beverages South Africa (CCBSA)’s 2017 Schools Recycling Programme. 

So far the school is in the top ten amongst 600 schools who entered the competition nationally. Last Friday adjudicators from the Cocacola company paid a visit to the school to see various projects made by learners from recycling waste, such projects includes car toys, dustbins, tables and chairs.

“The objects will be submitted at the finals, to add our marks, who knows maybe we will bring home the R50 000.
So far we won R9 000 from collecting nine tons of waste,for every 1000 kg collected the school will receive a R1000 in this completion,”explained the school’s project manager Ms Celiwe Sibiya.

She added herself with the help of her colleagues and learners from all grades collect waste including plastic liter bottles and cans from neighbouring schools, parties and funerals using their own cars for this project.

Also Read: Enviro Monday: 12 useful ways to recycle eggshells

Sibiya said that they have not only encouraged the culture of recycling to the learners but also their parents.

“The project would not have made a success if it wasn’t for parents also encouraging their children to take part in the initiative,” said Sibiya.

Cocacola’s representatives explained that close to R15 million has been invested in the Schools Recycling Programme since its inception six years ago. The programme has also created over 160 jobs with 34 young people having been employed as Schools Recycling Representatives (SRR’s) and 134 collectors have been trained and supported. Finals for the competition will be held later this year.

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