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Residents blockade roads in demand of services

Chaos erupted yesterday when the residents took to the streets demanding water services from the municipality.

NAAS – The whole area came to a standstill with the residents blocking the streets and closing business.

Bus commuters were left stranded this morning as there were no buses allowed to operate in the area.
Shops were closed and no vendors seen on the streets.

School going children were also affected as they were not allowed to go to school, only the grade 12 learners were allowed to go to school to write their exams.

Also read: Dludluma residents embark on a service delivery protest

They alleged that they had been without water for years and their councillors failed to help them.
They claim that only a few households are supplied with water once or twice a week, while the rest of the community don’t get water at all and have to get water from far places.

“Those people who are in charge, don’t know the pain of pushing a wheelbarrow everyday to get water, they live within our community, but they afford to buy water to put in their tanks, while the rest of us can’t afford that,’’ said the residents.

They said they resorted to protest because it seems like doing so is the only language the government understands.
“We have been talking about the water issue for a while and we have been ignored.’’
Last night protestors were getting into people’s homes forcing everyone to join the strike and police managed to disperse the crowd using rubber bullets.
The Nkomazi Sub-region has had a number of service delivery protests since the past month, with Middleplaas and Dludluma on the list, protesting for housing and road.

The Nkomazi Sub-region has had a number of service delivery protests since the past month, with Middleplaas and Dludluma on the list, protesting for housing and road.
Police are in the area monitoring the situation.

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