ANC Mpumalanga statement on an inaccurate article published in the Sowetan

The ANC states that it finds it extremely strange for the Sowetan to determine support for the ANC’s presidential candidate by cheers, because they expect the publication to be conversant with the party's process of electing leadership.

The Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) of the Africa National Congress (ANC) in Mpumalanga notes with concern an inaccurate article in yesterday’s ( September 18 2017) Sowetan titled, “Ramaphosa lauded at unity rally”.

The article distorts the events that took place in the Provincial General Council (PGC), which was held at Mbombela Stadium and further interprets this event in a manner that creates a false and misleading perception that branches of the ANC in Mpumalanga support Cde Cyril Ramaphosa to be the President of the ANC.

This conclusion of the article is based on the fact that certain delegates ululated when Cde Cyril Ramaphosa appeared on a video, which was displayed at the PGC. The conclusion ignores the fact that delegates ululated when all the Provincial Chairpersons stood up to speak and even louder when the picture, of former President Nelson Mandela appeared in the same video.

The PEC would like to put it on record that the PGC did not resolve on supporting any individual for any position in the ANC, but instead listened it to leaders of the ANC that presented the challenges confronting the ANC and made proposals on the steps that need to be taken to unite the ANC. These messages were all well received by delegates from branches and our structures came out of that PGC, more determined to fight for the unity of the ANC.

We also reject the malice that Cde Robert Gumede prepared the video and is Cde DD Mabuza’s chief lobbyist. Cde DD Mabuza is a tried and tested leader of the ANC with a traceable track record from his youth days and he does not need a lobbyist to be elected, because branches of the ANC which have the right to nominate, know his track record and capabilities. We also find the unfounded claim, that the video was prepared by Cde Robert Gumede extremely undermining to structures of our organization, because it suggests that the agenda of the ANC is not set by our organization and its leaders, but by private business interests.

We call on all our members and structures of the ANC not to be derailed by newspaper articles, on our journey to unite the ANC and make it a stronger and efficient tool for the total economic and political liberation, of Africans in particular and blacks in general. We must continue to display the spirit of unity we displayed in the PGC and disappoint those who benefit from a divided ANC.

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