Tips to avoid cash robbery

If the amount of cash you are regularly depositing is increasing as your business grows, consider using the services of a cash management company.

With the escalating rate of cash robberies in our communities either on the enroute to or from making deposits in the bank.

The South African Police provide the following tips for small businesses to minimize chances of being robbed their hard earned cash
• Alternate the days and times on which you deposit cash
• Never make your bank visits public, even to people close to you

Do not openly display the money you are depositing while you are standing in the bank queue</blockquote.

• Avoid carrying money bags, briefcases or openly displaying your deposit receipt book

• It’s advisable to identify another branch nearby that you can visit to ensure that your banking pattern is not easily recognisable or detected.

• Refrain from giving wages to your contract or casual labourers in full view of the public rather make use of wage accounts that can be provided by your bank.

• Refrain from driving to the bank in your company branded vehicle on a typical ‘pay day’.

• Consider arranging for electronic transfers of wages to your contract or casual labourers’ personal bank accounts.

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