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Primary school pupil hangs himself at school premises

Apparently the learner used a tunic belt to hang herself on a swing cross bar.

The Mpumalanga Department of Education has learnt with great shock about a nine year old learner of Khulamlambo Primary School, Lubombo Circuit in Nkomazi Local Municipality who allegedly committed suicide within the school premises on Friday around 13H20.

Apparently the learner used a tunic belt to hang himself on a swing cross bar.

Also read: Learner committed suicide for R200

Officials of the Department of Education visited the school and the family of the deceased learner on Friday after they received the sad news to pay homage.

A team of psychologists will visit the school on Monday morning to give support and to render counselling services to all who witnessed and those affected by the incident.
Also read: Learner commits suicide
” One never imagined that something of this sort can happen within a school environment. We convey our sincere condolences to the family and to the school. The Department will Institute an investigation to probe the circumstances that led to this sorry incident ” Acting MEC Manzini said.

The Department will also support the family through out this painful hour of bereavement.

*This articles has been amended to reflect the right facts regarding the incident.

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