Six nabbed for dealing in precious metal

The suspects appeared at Barberton Magistrate Court yesterday.

On Wednesday members of DPCI Mpumalanga Serious Organised Crime Investigation (Precious Metal Unit) Barberton SAPS, Dog Unit White River , TRT, Johannesburg CI  and SSG Mine Security arrested six suspects for dealing in precious metal after a long period investigation.

Read: Suspect arrested after failed hijack attempt

Intelligent driven operation led the team to an illegal smelt house whereby more Gold bearing Ore and smelting equipment’s weigh 445kg were seized as follows: 2 x gold scales, 8 x cell phones, 1x wallet with 2x pieces of gold hidden inside, 1x cigarette box with dagga, 7 x pendukas, 2x iron pots, 10 x plastic buckets containing GBO 445kg value R69 000.00, 8 x pieces of gold value R100 000.00 with the total value amount of R170 000.00.

The suspects are appearing at Barberton Magistrate Court on Thursday 31 August 2017.

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