Much-loved local voice helps to bring the theatre of the mind to life

Locally based Shabba "DJ Shabbisto" Mavuso, who hosts the Afternoon Drive Show on Ligwalagwala FM, was recently at Newtown in Johannesburg for the launch of SABC 1 Mzansi Fo Sho's revitalised schedule, which offers fresh and brand-new shows under the hashtag #otatalanana. 


The show was exciting, as Shabbisto interviewed heavyweights who cost a fortune to employ on local productions, due to their veteran status in the industry.

Among those interviewed were Tony Kgoroge, Rapulana Seiphemo, Warren Masemola (all from Tjovitjo) and Trevor Gumbi (from Rented Family), who was also programme director. Kgoroge’s character on Tjovitjo is a depiction of a character based on a Free State criminal, from where he himself hails.

Kgoroge is also co-funding the production, as he believes in the show and how it competes on an international level. He is also an avid supporter of the South African acting industry.

“The production is 100 per cent black-owned and brought in internationally recognised South African heavyweight actors to showcase the South African heritage of Pansula Dance, bringing in a diaspora of kasi language and culture,” said Kgoroge. He mentioned Seiphemo and comedian Ntosh Madlingozi as some of the cast members.

Warren Masemola, who plays the main character MaFred, used to be a dancer in his past life and had to take up dance lessons to bring his character to life. “Tjovitjo demonstrates the lifestyle of isiPansula and the struggle to make their dreams come true through dance.” He recognises dance as something that has always united people in his community, and South Africans in black townships, since the Sophiatown era in the late ’50s.

“SABC recognises local talent, whether through TV or radio with music. We groom newcomers and give them the opportunity to showcase their talent to large audiences,” said Zandile Nkonyeni, SABC TV public relations manager.
Marketing manager of Ligwalagwala FM, Cwy Mandindi said this was an opportunity to showcase how versatile Ligwalagwala is as a station and how far the footprint is able to extend – from Mpumalanga to Jozi, from radio to TV.

“Ligwalagwala FM brought local and relevant entertainment with this partnership with SABC 1. We were able to bring life to the ‘theatre of the mind’ that radio is.

Our listeners were able to see everything that happened at the launch through our social-media pages on @Ligwalagwalafm on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and will be able to see how Shabbisto carries
the brand of Ligwalagwala FM behind the mic on shows like Real Goboza,” said Madindi.

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