Gogo opens her heart to the community’s disabled children

Mshadza Special Care Centre is the true essence of love and hope for local children who are physically challenged and need special attention.

MSHADZA – Gogo Lucy Ngobeni proved that it takes a village to raise a child. She opened her heart, and looks after 55 children living with disabilities.

Some of them can’t talk properly, while others struggle to walk.

Ngobeni told Mpumalanga News that children mean a lot to her. “They are very close to my heart. When I was working as a health promoter at the local clinic, I used to visit different families, and one day I was very touched when I came across a child in a certain home. I realised that the mother was not comfortable when she realised that I had seen the child.

“I decided to open the special centre for them so that they can be free and be able to play, not being kept inside the house,” she explained.

Ngobeni emphasised that parents who are blessed with children with disabilities should not think that they are cursed, but should instead give them unconditional love.

“I believe that love conquers all, and a child is a gift from God. Parents must take care of them and above all, give them love so that they don’t see themselves differently and feel sorry for themselves,” she added.

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