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Victim complains of poor service at Masoyi police station

The victim says police refused to open a case of malicious damage to property claiming that they would come to the scene to investigate.

SWALALA – A businessman from Swalala alleged that officers from Masoyi Police Station failed to help him when he was attacked by a group of people who vandalised his property on Sunday.

“I called the police immediately after the group of about 10 men started to vandalise my property and my vehicle in an incident which began at about 16:45, but they didn’t show up,” explained the victim who cannot be named to protect his identity.

He said he ended up calling his brother who is also a police officer.

The brother then showed up in a state vehicle and was also attacked.

The complainant added that he even went to the station to report the matter on Monday at around 03:00.

He claimed that the police failed to come around at midday on Monday, and that was when he contacted Mpumalanga News.

“I want to know why the police failed to respond to a matter reported as early as 16:45 on Sunday,” he said.

Capt Naniki Nonyane, spokesperson from Masoyi police, said she was not aware of the incident.

“It’s for the first time I learned of such an incident. The complainant will need to consult the station commander with detailed information of what happened and name the officers who turned him away when he came to the station,” she said.

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