Legislature mourns the death of a dedicated member of parliament

Khoza was a member of parliament in the National Assembly, who served in the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education. He died on August 2 in a car accident.

The Mpumalanga provincial legislature joins the people of our province and the country in expressing the heartfelt condolences to the Khoza family and the legislative sector on the passing on of Mr Timothy ‘TZ’ Khoza.

Also read: Mpumalanga ANC MP dies in car accident

As a Member of parliament deployed to represent the Mpumalanga province at national level, Khoza was a dedicated MP, in both his constituency and parliamentary duties.

As a result he passed on with his boots on, doing oversight work.

The Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Education, Culture, Sport and Recreation in the Mpumalanga provincial Legislature Mr VV Windvoёl, attest to the fact that Khoza will be remembered as a member who was very supportive and worked closely with his committee in the province, and his passing leaves a void.

In extending his words of condolences committee chairperson Windvoёl quoted Catherine Pulsifer where she said; “A fact of life we all die. But the positive impact you have on others will be a living legacy.”

May his soul rest in eternal peace.

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