Illegal miners bodies have been identified

Ward Councilors from Mbombela sub region to visit families of the illegal miners

BARBERTON-Delegates from the City of Mbombela Local Municipal this afternoon will be visiting the families of the four illegal miners who died on Wednesday after a rock fall at Agnes Mine.

This publication learnt that two of the illegal miners,Musa Mnguni,Johannes “Marumo” Magagula were South Africans,residing at Extension 11 while the other two who are identified as Kunene and Simelane were from Swaziland.

Also read : No arrest has been made on illegal miners

Speaking to Mpumalanga News the ward councilor of ward 45(Extension 11),Mr Lifa Nkosi said it is very painful to see young people lose their lives in such a manner due to unemployment and poverty.

.”We are very moved to hear that some of the illegal miners who lost their lives were coming from my ward.It is sad that some of them were  trying to provide food for their loved ones, unfortunately they never came back alive,”said Nkosi.

Also read : Trio nabbed for murder and kidnapping of illegal miner

He added that the lack of job opportunities is a serious problem, especially to young people even though this township is sounded by mines it is very hard for locals to get employed.

Also read : Illegal mining rife in the province

.”We are going to continue engaging miners to tackle the issue of unemployment to ensure that such history doesn’t repeat its self ,”he concluded.

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