Mandela Day in full swing!

Different organisations, municipalities in different places celebrated Mandela Day by taking their 67 minutes in doing good in their respective communities.

1. Vodacom employees gathered at their Mbombela offices where they spent their 67 minutes for Mandela, packaging food parcels that are meant to be delivered at five schools in the province.
Vodacom employees offloading food stuff.
Vodacom employees packaging food.
Vodacom crew busy on Mandela Day.
Vodacom employees.
Hard at work.

Vodacom employees hard at work.
2. The ANC Lubombo Constituency in the Nkomazi sub-region under the leadership Mr VV Windvoel an MPL spent their 67 minutes painting and fixing window panes at the Hluvhukani home based care centre in Steenbok.

Members of the constituency office paint the house.
3. Ehlanzeni District Municipality hosted their Mandela Day activities at Sifunindlela. Members of the community and a couple of parolees gathered at the venue and participated by fertilising the garden and laying a foundation to erect a structure to be used by the elderly.
Community member scatters fertiliser on the garden.
Members of the community of Sifunindlela mixing the cement.
Executive mayor of Ehlanzeni District Municipality Jester Sidel gets her hands dirty.
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