
“#Saturday must fall “says home affairs employees

Home affairs employees want to be paid overtime if they are working on Saturday

MBOMBELA – Employees at the head office of department of home affairs were picketing this morning before they resumed  with their duties and they are going to picket during their lunch hour.

They voiced out to this publication that the picketing is part of demonstrating that they don’t want to work on Saturday or be paid for overtime.

Some of the employees were quoted by Mpumalanga News saying that “Saturday must fall, we are not going to work for nothing, they must pay overtime end of story. What we are doing it’s just a start, people must watch the space because on June 19 it will be a full blown strike.”

Also read : Buried alive by home affairs

This publication also interacted with different citizens who were standing outside who indicated that the offices must be open on Saturday because some of the people don’t get time during the week to come to home affairs if they want to apply for passport or IDs.



As one, Zelda Shiba said, “Some of us don’t get time during the week due to work, if they are going to close on Saturday, it’s going to affect us. Even today I took a day off at work to assist my daughter to apply for an ID. Sometimes even if you take your lunch hour and rush here, it’s not helping, overcrowding is a problem during the week, it’s not bad on weekends.”

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