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Rape victim’s family will no longer use the bush as a toilet in Thulamahashe

A woman’s rape ordeal compelled Mhala police to build the victim a decent toilet at her home in Islington, Thulamahashe.

According to W/O Gugu Phiri, spokesperson of the local police, the victim in her late forties was raped while walking from relieving herself in the nearby bushes earlier this year.

She had no toilet in her yard and family used the bushes.

Also read:94-year-old pensioner falls victim to rape

After opening a rape case, the local police joined hands with local businesses to give her a proper facility in her yard.

Investigations on the matter still continue. The facility was handed to the victims family on May 19.

Also read: Hefty sentence imposed on rapists
Col John Ngwenya, the local station commander warned women and girls on the dangers of walking alone in isolated areas at night.

“Girls must stop going out at night alone and refrain from staying at taverns until late at night, to avoid being raped,”

he said.

He continued to urge parents never to leave their children with strangers.

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