Learners found with dagga during school raid

Selling dagga is a business of the day in township schools.

KANYAMAZANE – Smuggling Nyaope and selling dagga in township schools is problematic.
This comes after a number of learners at ZB Kunene were found with dagga during a school raid.

It is alleged a majority of the pupils are running their business during school hours and they sealed them in their mathematics instruments sets.

Also read : Three suspects arrested for dagga dealing
This unfolded when a group of concerned parents conducted a raid unexpectedly in this school yesterday.
Ms Pretty Mabuza said as community members they want to do away with selling of drugs and dagga in schools.

“We have visited different schools and we have discovered that there are learners who are selling Nyaope at school premises. We need to work hard and fight such things, but we will be able to win this battle if we work together as a community,” she explained.

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