Storm warning highlights urging property caution

While it’s impossible to stop or change the weather, we can certainly secure peace of mind by protecting our belongings as much as possible, or making sure that they will be replaced through adequate insurance if damaged during adverse weather.

The recent heavy rains have been a blessing in terms of breaking the year-long drought that all but strangled South Africa’s economy. Yet – though crops are healthier and more abundant, and supermarket produce will undoubtedly become cheaper – 2017’s La Niña-strengthened rainy season has also had some unwanted side-effects.

Flash floods, hail damage and near-gale force winds have been dominating news headlines these past three months, noted for their ability to damage and even destroy cars, buildings and houses.

Now, according to Storm Report SA, South Africans may have to brace themselves as another disruptive weather system moves into the country: it’s been forecast that Cyclone Dineo, which has already hit ground in Mozambique, will affect the extreme north-eastern parts of South Africa and the north-eastern parts of KwaZulu-Natal, resulting in heavy rains and flooding in Mpumalanga and Limpopo from this afternoon through Saturday.

Also read: UPDATE: Cyclone Dineo leaves Mozambique derailed

Standard Bank Insurance Limited offers advice that may help to keep you and your property safe should you find yourself in the path of the coming force of nature:

Make sure you tune in your television for updates.

Also read: Tropical cyclones that have hit South Africa

For motorists who are caught unawares while driving, the insurance provider suggests the following steps:

Do no become a victim of flash floods. Make sure you park your vehicle aside until roads are clear.

If you experience property damage during this week’s expected rainy weather, Denise Shaw, COO for Standard Insurance Limited, advises you to submit your insurance claim as soon as you can.

“As always, we will work to ensure all claims are processed quickly and efficiently,” she says. “Where required, assessors will also be sent to inspect damage and assist with facilitating repairs.”

To claim, contact Standard Insurance Limited telephonically:

You can also log onto the Standard Bank mobile or tablet app.

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