Five crucial things to remember when going camping

Other than the obvious items like sleeping bags, your tent and a tarp, here are a few other essentials that need to be packed.

If you hope to go camping in the wilderness surrounded only by trees and wild animals or if you prefer the hustle and bustle of a seaside campsite over Christmas, there are a couple of things that are crucial to ensure you have a comfortable and convenient holiday.

The list begins with the usual, “must haves” like a tent, sleeping bag, tarpaulin, and a source of light, but here a few other essential that might just make your home away from home a little more comfortable.

A first aid kit should be your first priority.  Cuts, bruises and burns are commonplace when camping and when you’re far from a local pharmacy or doctor’s surgery it is important to have the essentials on hand.

When staying outdoors, fire for cooking and heating is a requirement and therefore you need to make sure you have a reliable source of ignition. Matches, a lighter and a backup box of matches must therefore be a priority.

If you are planning to go camping in the Lowveld or other potential malaria areas, mosquito repellent is a must.  Make sure you pack a reliable brand and enough to last you your stay and if you’re especially adverse to mosquitoes a camping mosquito net might be a useful addition to your kit.

Image: sourced

To avoid knocking your head on an unseen tree branch or car door, a lantern, headlamp or flashlight is your best friend when camping, so make sure you have enough sources of light on hand and that they are all charged and that you have enough spare batteries.

Despite what the weather forecast might predict on the day you leave for your holiday, there is always a chance that things may change so preparing for bouts of foul weather will only stand you in good stead. Be prepared by making sure you have a ground cover, extra tarpaulin and that your tent’s all weather cover and seams are in good condition and still weatherproof.


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