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Teen girls share emotions

Various issues between mothers and daughters were tackled under the leadership of head ambassador, Elaine Mkhabela, the current Miss Mpumalanga, who interacted with the girls from Lydenburg, Pilgrim's Rest and other areas.

LYDENBURG – Jodimix Marketing ended the year with a Zazi Girls campaign dialogue last Wednesday.

Many were courageous enough to share their agony and pain of the bad choices made in the past. Promise Malatsi (23) from Pilgrim’s Rest believes her life would have been better if she had not fallen pregnant at a young age.  “I wish I had taken my time to start with the most important things in life, like my studies. At the age of 15 I had my first child and now I am a mother of two. Please take this opportunity and use it to your advantage and make something out of yourselves,” she told the girls.

Questions of teenage pregnancy, identity and HIV/Aids were also discussed with the panel which comprised councillor, Jane Malepe, pastor, Zodwa Hlatshwayo, Zazi Mayihlome and coordinator, Nolwazi Mashele. Mkhabela also encouraged everyone to take charge of their lives and to pave a bright future for themselves.

Also read: Zazi Campaign strives to empower girls

She said, “Growing up without a father figure was quite a challenge because I often wondered what I had done to him. The man who was supposed to give me an identity was not present, but my mother has always stood by my siblings and I. It was sad not seeing him at my school events even when I had passed matric with distinctions”.

Mkhabela attributes her success to perseverance and faith in God. “At tertiary level it was even harder because on some days I would not have a meal to eat and there would be those males who offered to ‘take care’ of me, but I knew God had a bigger plan for me, hence I resisted being taken care of. Today I am Miss Mpumalanga! I have a car, I will be able to continue with my studies without any hassle and I am confident about where I am heading. Remember, if you are not patient you will be a patient,” concluded Mkhabela.

Also see: Zazi Girls Campaign ends year with dialogue

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