Woman still in pain 16 years later

After the operation that was supposed to remove the remaining roots, she woke up with a huge scar running from ear to ear on her bottom jaw.

KANYAMAZANE – Sixteen years later a 48-year-old mother still feels the pinch of an operation that supposedly went wrong in the dentistry department of Rob Ferreira Hospital.

Looking at photos to compare her facial features to what she looks like today, one can see that Ms Ruth Male used to have a normal

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She now has a disfigured face after her teeth in her lower jaw were removed without her consent.

What pains her more is that people who knew her beforehand keep asking what happened, “Some even assume I was beaten from an abusive relationship, but the hospital left me like this,” she said.

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Male explained that she went to the hospital towards the end of 1999 to have one of her molars removed due to a toothache. “That tooth was removed, but after that the swelling got worse, I was told there were some remains of the roots which had caused an infection and I had to go to the theatre for an operation,” Male said.

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After the operation that was supposed to remove the remaining roots, she woke up with a huge scar running from ear to ear on her
bottom jaw.

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