Dundonald people with disabilities to benefit from local centre

Persons with disabilities will benefit from Dundonald Disability Centre which will be officially opened tomorrow in Dundonald village, Mpumalanga Province.

Deputy Minister of Social Development, Ms Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu, will on the day handover the disability centre to Dundonald community.

With only eight staff members; the centre provides essential services including care, accommodation and home based care support to 74 people with disabilities. These include persons with blind, deaf, mental and physical disabilities. Staff members often find it difficult to communicate with some of the persons with disabilities; especially those who are blind and deaf.

Stats SA 2011 profile on persons with disabilities; have shown that there were more than 200 000 people with disabilities in Mpumalanga Province.
The opening of  the  centre is part of the 2016 Disability Rights Awareness Month (DRAM) which is commemorated annually under the theme, “Persons with disabilities – Equal participants in shaping a sustainable future.”

Also read: Disability is an ability to do something

DRAM is an annual awareness campaign which takes place between November 3 and December 3 to increase awareness about the rights of persons with disabilities as equal citizens in society. The campaign also seeks to accelerate equal access to socio-economic opportunities for persons with disabilities by making information available and accessible.

The Dundonald Disability Centre was established in 1986 and is registered with the Department of Social Development as a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO).

Also read: Empowering people living with disabilities


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