
Legislature sets the record straight

At the meeting he disclosed that he has a number of legislative documents, which was leaked to him by a staff member in the legislature, and that he will be busy with media articles for an unforeseeable period.

The provincial legislature has responded to an enquiry from Mpumalanga Mirror in the form of a questionnaire sent to its offices. The enquiry is related to the purchase of two SUVs for the Speaker, Ms Thandi Shongwe, within a period of 14 months.
Mpumalanga Mirror (MM): Is it true, according to a quoted inside source, that the replaced vehicle had sustained a minor scratch after the reported accident it was involved in?

Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature (MPL): This is not true, the vehicle suffered severe damage which had also impacted on its safety features. Based on the assessment report from the panel beaters, the security management unit of the legislature advised that it was risky to continue using the vehicle for the official business of the Speaker.

The security management, therefore, strongly advised that a new one be purchased, hence, the recommendation to procure a new vehicle in 2015 was approved.

MM: Is it true that the request to purchase a new vehicle came from the Speaker’s office and that it was agreed that the purchase be privy between her office and finance? Is it true that the colour of the vehicle is exactly the same as the replaced one, so no one notices it is new?

MPL: Advice was given by the security management of the risk imposed by the damaged vehicle. The Office of the Speaker, through the chief of staff, submitted a request to procure a new official vehicle.

The request came from the Office of the Speaker. It, however, must be made clear that all relevant sections and divisions for the procurement of such capital were involved.

This includes the Corporate Services Division and Institutional Support Section, over and above the divisions and sections mentioned in your question above.
As the legislature, we consider this a deliberate manufacturing of information, intent at misleading and creating the wrong impression. There was an instruction to purchase a similar vehicle. The two vehicles are, however, distinct as the one is a Mercedes-Benz ML, whereas the other is a Mercedes-Benz GL.

MM: Does the Office of the Premier know about the purchase of this vehicle?
MPL: The legislature is a distinct organ of the state. Due to the separation of powers, the Office of the Premier may not be abreast of the procurement of assets by the Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature and this is all because of the separation of powers.

The legislative sector is governed by Financial Management of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act and not the Provincial Financial Management Act.
MM: What are the legal procedures for purchasing a new vehicle, especially for a person of the Speaker’s stature?
MPL: The Ministerial Handbook, which deals with the affairs of members of executive and presiding officers, gives guidance to this effect.

MM: Were these procedures followed?
MPL: As per the guide of the Ministerial Handbook, all procedures were accordingly followed.
MM: Where is the replaced vehicle as we speak? At the panel beaters or at the Speaker’s home being concealed from the opposition as claimed?

MPL: Since the vehicle returned to the legislature from the panel beaters, it has been parked at government building.
MM: Why would you be accused of such anomaly as an institution in the first place?
MPL: We do not know why such negative accusations are levelled against the legislature. The media article was originally published by a journalist, who is a former employee of the Mpumalanga Legislature. He also worked in the office of the former Speaker, Mr Lubisi, as a senior manager. He held a meeting with the secretary of the legislature, Mr Linda Mwale, prior to the publication of the first article. He is the current owner of a newspaper and the alleged shareholder of a news agency.

At the meeting he disclosed that he has a number of legislative documents, which was leaked to him by a staff member in the legislature, and that he will be busy with media articles for an unforeseeable period.

He further raised the following issues at the said meeting:
• The non-payment of R5 million in respect of the legislature’s logo, which he alleges he designed
• That he applied for the senior manager of communications position, and did not get it
• The cancellation of a contract which the agency had with the legislature
• That the legislature must advertise in his newspaper.
In light of the above, we believe that his conduct leads to extortion, blackmailing and misrepresentation of facts, therefore, our rights as the legislature are strictly reserved.

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