Children discover their rights

"Some pupils are dropping out of school because they are not coping with bullies. We are going to work very closely with parents and pupils as we visit various schools,"

VALENCIA – Children from various preschools came in numbers to the local sports ground to learn more about their rights and issues of sexual harassment.
Ego Stationery took the initiative to educate and entertain the kids.
Speaking to this publication, the director, Eddie Gobile, said it was about time to get closer to children and teach them about their rights at an early age because they are often victims of sexual abuse.

“At some stage, we need to face reality. Kids are abused in our communities and they don’t tell anyone. They are not confident enough to speak out. They only express themselves by crying. Worse still, they don’t have any information regarding issues of abuse. We are not going to end it here. We will visit other townships around Mbombela to raise awareness. Sexual abuse and other forms of abuse against children are serious problems,” said Gobile.

They are addressing school bullying which is a serious problem that has forced some pupils to join gangs to protect themselves.
“Some pupils are dropping out of school because they are not coping with bullies. We are going to work very closely with parents and pupils as we visit various schools.
According to our research, we have discovered that those pupils who bully others, have serious issues with domestic violence at home and they think that it is a normal occurrence,” explained Gobile.
The children were also taught first aid and fire prevention.

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