Mother reaps the rewards of her creativity

Has it ever crossed your mind that your hobby could become your main source of income? Well, it certainly did for events and party planner, Ms Marcia Magongo.

It started off as a hobby when her family hosted functions back in the day. Magongo always wanted to be involved, whether it was a birthday party or gathering.

The mother of three girls reckons she was born to work with people, especially children because that is where her passion lies.
“I come from a big family in Matsulu and we love celebrating any occasion. For each event I would be hands-on. In 2014, when I organised my daughter’s Barbie-themed birthday party, I started to take my hobby seriously, and since then I’v never looked back.”
Peek A Boo Parties, which specialises in kiddies-themed functions and other events was established in 2014. “I am very passionate about children and making their dreams come true.
“This is what I intend to do at all times. My company also organises baby showers, anniversaries and reunions,” says the part-time Sunday school teacher.

Magongo does not have a formal qualification in the trade, however, she is currently busy with baking lessons through a school in Johannesburg.
How does she juggle being a mother, wife and planning events? “I have a very supportive family and I have mastered the art of multitasking. My typical day involves getting my children ready for school, doing house chores and later shopping around for equipment. My husband and children sometimes assist wherever they can. I am also used to working overnight when I have a big event to organise.”
Future plans? “Peek A Boo will soon be a one-stop shop where all services will be rendered. I plan on venturing into weddings, and to obtain qualifications. I aspire to conquer the province, if not the country,” she adds.
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