Women’s league remains mum

A female president should emerge in the elective conference.

MBOMBELA – The ANC Women’s League in Mpumalanga remains mum on the bid to have a female candidate for president of the ruling party.

Chairperson of the women’s league in the province, Cllr Letta Shongwe said the branches of the ANC would decide on the candidacy for president of the organisation. This comes after the president of the women’s league, Ms Bathabile Dlamini mentioned that a female president should emerge in the elective conference that would take place in December 2017.

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Seemingly, the women’s league in the province does not show any support to the national status quo of the league. “Whatever the ANC decides, we will follow as a wing of the party. Our views are not different from theirs. We will wait for the branches to pronounce their preferred candidate and we will support it,” said Shongwe.

The only notion that the provincial league is in tune with, is the rejection of the call for an early conference. “It is not for us to talk about an early conference. Although there are currently leadership issues, we will not deviate from the decisions taken by the mother body,” she added.

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