Karabo’s video triggers fans’ emotions

On Sunday evening Idols SA 2015 winner, Karabo Mogane's video Ngifuna Lo was aired but fans took to social media criticizing his looks.

Apart from gushing comments on how skinny he looked as he appears shirtless on the video, some even went as far as questioning his winning of the title.



The former Lowveld High School student is calm about it. “I am new to the industry and this is literally my first music video, but I am not angry because people have a right to express themselves. What people should also remember is that there is a production team behind every decision, but I believe it will get better in time.”

Watch Video here:

Karabo captured the hearts of many South Africans last year with his harmoniuos voice that saw him win the singing competition. “I will not dispute anything, but I have learnt in life that I cannot please everybody and in this industry one needs to have a thick skin. One thing I will take away from this experience is the new growth. A marathon is run slowly, but you eventually get there. I will get it right it someday,” says Karabo.

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