Cogta obtains a third clean audit

The audit process was conducted by the AG in line with legal and regulatory framework as prescribed by the Public Audit Act.

MBOMBELA – The Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) has obtained the third clean audit from the Auditor General (AG) for the 2015/16 financial year.

The audit process was conducted by the AG in line with legal and regulatory framework as prescribed by the Public Audit Act.

The MEC, Ms Refilwe Mtshweni credited the management and officials of the department for the achievement. “This outstanding achievement is attributed to a high level of commitment by the management and officials at all levels led by the Accounting Officer. It further signifies the department’s good governance and compliance with legislation in the execution of its mandate,” said Ms Mtshweni.

Read: Clean audit for finance department

The AG’s audit process and outcome seeks to improve accountability for public funds by government institutions. Financial statements, compliance to legislation and alignment of the spending with performance plans form part of the audit process and this must be backed by evidence.

Ms Mtshweni says the clean audit achievement strengthens COGTA’s position to provide support to the municipalities in an attempt to replicate a similar achievement. “Our commitment to support municipalities is guided by the Implementation of the Municipal Support Plan (IMSP). Together with the Provincial Treasury we are determined to make the aspirations of clean audits in our municipalities a reality,” Ms Mtshweni said.

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