Social grants to be paid early

The South African Social Security Agency(SASSA) wishes to inform its beneficiaries of social grants they will receive earlier than expected.

Social grant beneficiaries will receive their payments earlier for August due to the local government elections.

This is according to a statement released by the SASSA stating that social grants payments for August have been brought forward. Payments will be made from July 27 to 29 and there will be no cash points available until August 4, 2016.

National Spokesperson for SASSA, Kgomoco Diseko says all beneficiaries were informed of the temporary changes. “People must not worry about not getting their money. It will be available without interruption, but those using other payment channels such as withdrawing from stores or ATM’s will access it from July 27 to 25 August,” he said.

For any enquiries please contact these numbers : 0800 60 10 11 or (012) 400 2322.

 Also read:  Social grant beneficiaries want Sassa to rescue them

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