
Man pays girl R10 for sex

It was thereafter that the child felt she could further elaborate that the suspect had enticed her with a R10 note in the past and raped her

ELUKWATINI –A 53 year old was arrested for the rape of a 11 year-old minor, payig her R10 for the ordeal.

The suspect was arrested on July 14 for the alleged rape. According to  police, the girl was on her way to play with friends when the suspect beckoned her into his yard and eventually manhandled her into his room where he forced himself on her.

The girl’s parent noted her trauma and took her to the police who then sent her to the hospital for medical examinations. Doctors confirmed that the child had been raped. “It was thereafter that the child felt she could further elaborate that the suspect had enticed her with a R10 note in the past and raped her,” explainced Const Peace Mbokane spokesperaon of Elukwatini police.

The suspect appeared before the Eesterhoek Magistrate’S Court and was remanded in custody.

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