Young kids pays 96 year-old gogo a visit on Mandela Day

Makhanya (96) was surprised by this act of kindness displayed by the children.

KANYAMAZANE- Children from Lwati Lwemfundvo Educare spent  their Mandela day helping with house chores at  96-year-old gogo Betty Makhanya’s house.

They cleaned her yard, painted her kitchen wall and gave her food parcels.

Also read:Mandela Day inspiration at Bhekimpelo créche

 According to the crèche’s principal Ms Busi Malope, the gogo was surprised by this  act of kindness.

In her words Makhanya  said “I’m still shocked about what is happening. I’m very happy that there are people with a good heart. I’m happy they chose to spend this day with me. May God bless this young children and their teachers,” she said.

Also read: Mec fulfills her promise on Mandela Day

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