Mashego to visit initiation schools

The MEC will ensure that all Initiation processes are followed to assure that no lives are lost during the upcoming initiation season.

The MEC for Mpumalanga department of health Mr Gillion Mashego will visits the initiation schools around Gert Sibande district and hand over six vehicles to the Ingoma Forum.

Also Read: Illegal initiation schools must be barred

The MEC will ensure that all Initiation processes are followed to assure that no lives are lost during the upcoming initiation season.

Mashego will be in collaboration with the Ingoma Forum in cooperating with the Department of Cooperate Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) and other health stakeholders to ensure that the initiates receive a suitable medical attention.

“The role of traditional leaders is central to the success of campaigns to fight the spread of HIV/Aids in the communities. As government, we will strengthen our collaboration with the institutions of traditional leadership in all our campaigns to raise awareness, and promote voluntary testing and Counselling” said Mashego.

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