BRA promises a brighter future

Other changes that the party will introduce include waste removal in rural villages, declaring some areas formal townships and granting all ratepayers a once-off amnesty.

BUSHBUCKRIDGE – Local residents are confident that the establishment of the Bushbuckridge Residents Association (BRA) will finally address their never-ending service-delivery woes.
Speaking to Mpumalanga News during the party’s manifesto launch that was attended by hundreds of community members, several residents pledged their support to the association for the upcoming local government elections.
“What makes us even happier is the fact that BRA leaders are people who can relate to our needs because they have experienced our problems relating to service delivery first-hand in the whole area,” said one of the residents, Ms Ntiyiso Mbatsane.
She added that it was about time that issues like lack of water and bad roads were tackled by people who care.

Delivering the party’s manifesto, BRA’s president Mr Delta Mokoena said that, should the party emerge victorious after the elections, it will commit to establishing a competent functional unit in the municipality which will develop and implement a community service programme which will include construction of stadiums, libraries and community halls.
Mokoena also stated that combating crime is one of their key priorities and they will introduce a law-enforcement unit which will deal with it in line with the country’s legislation in policing.
“The crime rate in Bushbuckridge is worrying and the measures taken to fight this scourge are not enough. We need to tighten all corners and ensure that our people are safe from criminals who continue to target them,” added Mokoena.
As far as education goes, the party’s member in the provincial legislature,
Mr Cleopas Maunye said it would provide the necessary support to needy families.
“It’s sad to witness children who stay away from school due to basic needs that cannot be met by their families. For this reason, as a party we’ll assist with things like uniforms and bursaries to help pupils further their studies,” Maunye said.
Other changes that the party will introduce include waste removal in rural villages, declaring some areas formal townships and granting all ratepayers a once-off amnesty.
“We are committed to taking the whole municipality to greater heights and judging by the response of local residents, the upcoming elections will be interesting,” added Maunye.

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