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Will the “blessers” in Mbombela please stand up

The country has been inundated with the ‘Blesser’ trend, and it seems to have been trending for a while now.

MBOMBELA – The country has been inundated with the ‘Blesser’ trend, and it seems to have been trending for a while now.

The term has since been referred to as high class prostitution, while others reckon it’s just sugar daddies on steroids.

The trend is basically a lifestyle where rich men shower young women with expensive gifts and take them to luxurious holidays in exchange for sexual favors.

The women would then post all the fancy gifts on social media with the hashtag #Blessed.

This exciting phenomenon has had the country divided in opinions, some believing that it’s just the devil at work and has to come to end, while some reckon that it’s a way of making money and having fun while doing it.

In an episode aired by Check Point this week, the blessers and blessees were vocal about how they enjoy the lifestyle and that they would not trade it for any morals.

One of the blessers mentioned how they wouldn’t mind splashing over R 50 000 on a woman as long as the woman avails herself whenever needed by her blesser.

A blessee, who is unemployed and owns an apartment in Sandton, drives a Mercedes Benz and owns expensive clothing labels, proudly said that love would not give her all of that, hence she resorted to the blesser lifestyle.

This seems to be a growing everyday topic as there is now an APP and a page for people looking for blessers and blessees.

With the hashtag #MoralsMustFall, a lot of men and women are flocking into the site to search for their blessers.

Some people argue that this is a trend that has been around for a very long time, it just wasn’t on mainstream like it is now.

It remains unknown whether Mbombela has already joined in or we are still looking at it from a distance for now.

There are ways in which a blesser can be spotted even before you get to know them for long.

The men have a tendency of splashing the women with expensive gifts and offering them opportunities to private holidays.

These are often married men who take pleasure in spending their money on vulnerable women.

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