ANCYL mourns the death of one of their own

Her memorial service will be hosted at Mbombela Civic Center today at 14h00.

MBOMBELA – The ANCYL in the province will today hold a memorial service for the late Liyanda Maphanga, who succumbed to death after a long illness. Maphanga was serving at the structure’s PEC during the time of her death.

According to a statement issued by the ANYL, Maphanga was a dedicated member of the movement who served the people even in her time of illness.

“She carried immense physical pain whilst continuing to serve our people in her deployment and elected position with no fail. The entire mass democratic movement is poorer without her for she was a student leader, young communist, roaring young lion, committed unionist, community volunteer and a leader of the ANC,” read the statement.

Her memorial service will be hosted at Mbombela Civic Center today at 14h00.

“In her we had a selfless, honest, disciplined, courageous, harnessed intellectual prowess, academic, hardworking soft spoken yet hard hitting ideological steadfast cadre who was always willing to learn and be led.

“The movement is bleeding, the family is torn asunder, the children are oozing in disbelief, the friends and loved ones are heart wrecked. Indeed death can never be normalized, internalized for it always finds ways to abruptly take those dear to our hearts and lives.”

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