
Car hijacking on the increase

"I was on my way to home when I noticed a car that was following me. I started to sense that there was something wrong when they wanted to overtake me in wrong spots,"

PIENAAR – Motorist are warned against driving very late at night .
This comes after the local police noted an increase in car hijackings in the area and surroundings .
Mpumalanga News learnt about the group of armed men allegedly driving around the streets very late at night disturbing other traffic with their vehicles.
Recently a motorist was apparently attacked by armed men at Mfayinda section in Kanyamazane section. He was pointed with a firearm and his car hijacked from him. On Sunday evening a female driver was nearly hijacked by a group of men in a White bakkie near Karino Lifestyle Estate .

“I was on my way to home when I noticed a car that was following me. I started to sense that there was something wrong when they wanted to overtake me in wrong spots.I decided to increase speed,until I reached home, then they make a U- turn ” said the victim, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Lt Jabu Ndubane, spokesperson for the local police confirmed the increase in car hijackings.

“It is true that we had opened a number of car hijacking cases .We are appealing to motorist to avoid late trips “said Ndubane.

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